Don’t Live in the Dark Ages!

What to do in the event of a power outage:


There can be a number of causes for a power outage in your home, such as adverse weather or birds running into contact with power lines. But the most likely scenario will involve a short circuit.

We all know the term ‘short circuit’ but what exactly is it and how can you ensure against its effects? A short circuit occurs when an electrical current passes along a path that is different from the intended circuit. This results in an overload of current which damages the circuit, often leading to a fire. In fact, short circuit is the main cause of homes fires so it’s important to reduce the risk of it happening. See here for more information on electrical fire prevention.

What leads a current to pass along an incorrect channel?  Generally the wire’s insulation falls apart or, less frequently, an external conducting element comes into contact with the circuit, such as water.

How to Reduce the Chances of a Short Circuit:

To reduce the need to call a certified electrician, there are several things you can do to try and eliminate the risk of a short circuit.

– When installing electrical system make sure to use the correct types of wires along with high quality materials, which will save money in the long run on maintenance costs (not to mention the peace of mind it brings you).

– Keep all exposed circuits protected from moisture.

– Don’t overload electrical equipment, which can result in overheating and insulation breakdown.

– Quality and reliable circuit breakers and fuses should be installed. In the event of a short circuit these will prevent the risk of damage to appliances.

Follow those steps and help keep your home safe!


Lenny Pillay is one of the city’s foremost electrical experts advising clients in all sectors, both home, office and business. You can discover more about him here.

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